Being a member of Industry Sports is like owning a timeshare in our facility. As a basketball member you can reserve your own private half basketball court any time there is availability. Basketball members can use The Gun shooting machine on a first come / first served basis. Baseball members can book any of our cages or the large fielding area any time they are available. The Hack Attack pitching machine can be reserved with one of the cages.
Sign up below or scroll for our FAQs.
Batting Cages
Monthly - Unlimited ability to schedule free sessions* **
- Free use of the cages, fielding area, and pitching machines during scheduled time
- 24/7 access via phone app
per month for your family - Join Monthly Batting Cages Join Monthly Batting Cages
Batting Cages
6 Month - Unlimited ability to schedule sessions* **
- Free use of the cages, fielding area, and pitching machines during scheduled time
- 24/7 access via phone app
per month for your family - Join 6 Month Batting Cages Join 6 Month Batting Cages
Monthly - Unlimited ability to schedule free sessions* **
- Rental includes 1/2 basketball court and The Gun Shooting Machine
- 24/7 access via phone app
per month for your family - Join Monthly Basketball Join Monthly Basketball
6 Month - Unlimited ability to schedule free sessions* **
- Rental includes 1/2 basketball court and The Gun Shooting Machine
- 24/7 access via phone app
per month for your family - Join 6 Month Basketball Join 6 Month Basketball
Batting Cages & Basketball
Monthly - Unlimited ability to schedule free sessions* **
- Baseball space rental includes the use of the cages, fielding area, and pitching machines during scheduled time
- Basketball space rental includes Rental includes 1/2 basketball court and The Gun Shooting Machine
- 24/7 access via phone app
per month for your family - Join Monthly Batting Cages & Basketball Join Monthly Batting Cages & Basketball
Batting Cages & Basketball
6 Month - Unlimited ability to schedule free sessions* **
- Baseball space rental includes the use of the cages, fielding area, and pitching machines during scheduled time
- Basketball space rental includes Rental includes 1/2 basketball court and The Gun Shooting Machine
- 24/7 access via phone app
per month for your family - Join 6 Month Baseball & Basketball Join 6 Month Baseball & Basketball
* Scheduling can only be done within 7 days of your desired usage.
After you purchase your membership you will gain access to the building via the KISI app that you download on your phone. When you arrive at the building the app has a button that unlocks the door. You will be able to reserve cages/courts/fielding area using our online scheduler or an app that you download on your phone.
Your membership will run month to month based on the date of your sign up. So if you sign up on the 15th of the month your card will be charged every month on the 15th. Your card will be charged monthly until you cancel.
Batting Cage MembershipFAQs
After you sign up by placing your membership order on our website you will receive two emails. The first email is an introductory email from Kevin about your membership. From this email you will need to sign our waiver. The next email is from our scheduling system Skedda, which is where you will book your times. Once you book your time you will receive access information via email.
Once you are all set up you just need to book your times. Members can see the next 7 days and book any and all available time they’d like as long as they are going to use it. Our calendar only makes from 6 AM to midnight visible but if you want to book overnight you can just text me to make sure it’s ok and that no one else has the time booked. The only reason it isn’t visible is that the calendar becomes much harder to view and our software fees would increase.
Industry Sports is an unmanned facility and you will have access whenever the schedule permits. As such we don’t have hours. You are responsible for turning lights on and off (unless someone else is using the facility), cleaning up after yourself, and reporting any problems to us.
Your membership starts on the day you click one of the membership links and finish the checkout. Please do not sign up needing to enter the facility immediately because there are a number of steps such as signing a waiver, getting two logins created, installing the access app, and then booking time before you can use the facility.
Your membership will automatically renew one month after you sign up and will do so until you notify us that you would like to cancel the membership.
No. Batting cage members can reserve any of the three cages, the turf fielding area, or even the workout turf area (this is only for athletic training and not for batting balls, throwing, or fielding) and it is completely free.
For most of the year members can get a cage very easily. From January through March 2024 Saturdays are completely booked from 6:30 AM to 9 PM and Sundays are booked from 8 AM to 8 PM. Weeknights from January through March are completely booked from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM. If membership grows I may be able to justify adding another cage and making it members only.
No. As of mid 2024 you will have to bring your own baseballs.
We have both a baseball and softball pitching machine.
Members can bring someone to feed the pitching machine or do soft toss or pitch batting practice to the member. Note all helpers must have a waiver signed.
Generally only members of a household are covered, but we’ve allowed cousins in some cases.
Yes, please text, email, or call me if you have a team that you’d like to get a membership for. I’ll need to know how many members you are looking for and the ages.
As of right now we are offering month to month memberships. I anticipate that soon I will raise the price of month to month memberships for new members and current members will be grandfathered in as long as they keep their memberships active.
Think of a membership as ordering the all you can eat buffet and booking time as ordering off the menu.
The all you can eat buffet might not always have the exact food you want, but you can have as much as you want of whatever is available.
If you were at a buffet and wanted bacon at 9 AM you might be upset to find that the bacon is gone and it’s been replaced with sausages. Similarly for Industry Sports if you have specific needs such as scheduling every Monday at 5 PM then you would be best served to rent time and not get a membership.
If you are more flexible with your times then the membership is the right choice because you will save money if you come about 3 times per month and stay for an hour.
Basketball MembershipFAQs
After you sign up by placing your membership order on our website you will receive three emails. The first email is an introductory email from Kevin about your membership. From this email you will need to sign our waiver. The other emails will be from our access system, which is an app you download on your phone. And the next email is from our scheduling system Skedda, which is where you will book your times.
Once you are all set up you just need to book your times. Members can see the next 7 days and book any and all available time they’d like as long as they are going to use it. Our calendar only makes from 6 AM to midnight visible but if you want to book overnight you can just text me to make sure it’s ok and that no one else has the time booked. The only reason it isn’t visible is that the calendar becomes much harder to view and our software fees would increase.
Industry Sports is an unmanned facility and you will have access whenever the schedule permits. As such we don’t have hours. You are responsible for turning lights on and off (unless someone else is using the facility), cleaning up after yourself, and reporting any problems to us.
Your membership starts on the day you click one of the membership links and finish the checkout. Please do not sign up needing to enter the facility immediately because there are a number of steps such as signing a waiver, getting two logins created, installing the access app, and then booking time before you can use the facility.
Your membership will automatically renew one month after you sign up and will do so until you notify us that you would like to cancel the membership.
No. Batting cage members can reserve any of the three cages, the turf fielding area, or even the workout turf area (this is only for athletic training and not for batting balls, throwing, or fielding) and it is completely free.
There is almost always a half court available outside of basketball season. During basketball season weeknights from 5:30 to 8:30, Saturdays from 8 AM to 9 PM, and Sundays from noon to 8 PM, are completely booked.
You have to bring your own ball. Due to being an unmanned facility we can’t leave basketballs laying around.
Yes. We have a sophisticated model of The Gun. You can login to the machine and keep track of your progress. You can set up your own routines or use pre-built routines that come with the machine.
Members can bring someone to rebound for them.
Generally only members of a household are covered, but we’ve allowed cousins in some cases.
Yes, please text, email, or call me if you have a team that you’d like to get a membership for. I’ll need to know how many members you are looking for and the ages.
As of right now we are offering month to month memberships. I anticipate that soon I will raise the price of month to month memberships for new members and current members will be grandfathered in as long as they keep their memberships active.